Exit Polling in Hamden
1:15 Gabe Rosenberg (from Connecticut Local Politics) assisted me with a bit of exit polling in Hamden, which is on my way to Meriden.
Gabe outside the polls. It was warming up, but a nice breeze was keeping it from being too hot.
Me taking info from a Lamont voter. Generally, the people were snootier in Hamden than Milford, but I expect that's because there was a lady annoyingly handing out tax flyers before I was able to ask the questions.
Donna Frandy and Lorraine Lupi. Donna was supporting the Malloy campaign.
The numbers are looking promising. We asked a total of 57 voters who they voted for, with 23 not responding (snoots).
Results were as follows:
Lamont 22
Lieberman 13
For gubner:
DeStefano 10
Malloy 24

The numbers are looking promising. We asked a total of 57 voters who they voted for, with 23 not responding (snoots).
Results were as follows:
Lamont 22
Lieberman 13
For gubner:
DeStefano 10
Malloy 24
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