Thursday, August 10, 2006

The morning after...

Posted by Kirby noon Eastern

Well, it was morning when I finally opened my eyes this morning. Our own CT Bob did an amazing job -- we learned that teaming up is really the only way to do this -- he was able to go out and gather video and still shots while I held the fort down and typed and edited photos. I can't help but look at national media and read papers online and wonder "What election are they talking about?" This isn't the first time I have been in the middle of a story and then didn't recognize the story when told by others, but this is the most bizarre of all.

As we predicted, the Ds are falling in line behind the party nominee -- that would be Ned -- and it will just be a time to sit back and let those machinations work out themselves. Meanwhile, we can just sit back and listen to ourselves be characterized by the MSM while they try to figure out which way the power is shifting and how the pundits can get themselves in the middle of it. Be sure to check back later today -- Bob shot amazing video of Jessie Jackson and Maxine Waters in our blogger room -- they were incredibly moving and inspirational. And believe me, he has more tricks up his sleeve to share once he gets some sleep and does some paying work.

Fortunately, this is a new world -- a democracy, if you will -- in which people with access to computers and a desire to report from the ground can be on equal footing with the beautiful people lined up in front of their cameras with makeup you could scrape off with a putty knife who follow power. We follow ideas. We follow ideals. We follow people without hidden agendas. We follow those who want to serve their constituents. We follow people who care about their fellow man and supporting this amazing experiment called the United States and getting it back in line with the Constitution our framers brilliantly constructed so as to remain our guiding principle here, 200+ years later.

We are thousands of points of light, flickering in the darkness to those who have almost lost hope in how great America can be again. WE are the patriots.


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